connection is key

The impact of 2020 and shift towards remote working, created many cultural challenges for organisations to keep their employees connected and team spirit high.

We believe that collaboration works more smooth, bonding becomes easier and spirit is best boosted, by spending quality and fun time together

We use creativity, art and fun to boost team connection,
and focus on activities that connect and relax.

And because better connections will improve the productivity and energy of the team, it is lucrative and efficient for organizations and leaders to focus on their team well-being.

impacts of 2020

More isolation, discomfort and loneliness through corona.

Trimbos Instituut

Routines and work-life balance have changed. Separation between work and private life is different.


Less offline and real social contact, more online and social media.


improving is a good investment

Absenteeism due to illness in the Netherlands is increasing, and is currently 4.4 days out of 100. That cost an employer more than € 250 per day.

-1% ziekteverzuim bij organisaties met 100+ fte betekent +40k extra omzet per jaar.  1€ investering in gezondheids-programma’s kan tot 5€ rendement opleveren.  een integrale aanpak is maatwerk

Trimbos, Deloitte  & TNO

Organizational culture has a great influence on the spirit, commitment and openness of employees. For example, 54% Gen Z and almost half of Millennials who are sick from stress or anxiety report other reasons for absenteeism to their employer.
MIT Business Review  & Deloitte

Absenteeism due to illness in the Netherlands is increasing, and is currently 4.4 days out of 100. That cost an employer more than € 250 per day.
While happy employees (healthy and vital) are 15 to 20% more productive. 
Trimbos ism Capgemini

44% van gen Z & Y geeft in hun leven 1ste of 2de prioriteit aan hun geestelijke gezondheid.
Om aantrekkelijk te blijven voor talent, moeten werkgevers beter hierop gaan inspelen.
