team bonding by building

Let’s get crafty and create an artwork together!

In this creative team activity, we will build a modular artwork made by all team members. We help everybody making their piece, while we teach basic craft technics.

Depending on the art-concept, we use different technics, materials and tools. From woodworking, welding, graffiti to painting. And from working with iron, rope, wood, paper to fabrics.

The size and shape of the artwork will be tailored to the team size and wishes. Afterwards, the artwork can be placed in the office.

With lots of room for the team members to play and create their own part, this is a fun, bonding and relaxing team activity, resulting in art made together.


bonding by building

Craft and creative workshop
Art design, materials and tools included

Price starting at 60 euro per person,
depending on team size and wishes.

Plus 2 euro pp for CO2-positivity (learn more)

send us a request