Classical concerts

We collaborated with partners Klassifest, Guido Heeneman, and ROC Amsterdam to bring three exclusive classical concerts to life at the stunning B. Amsterdam.

Each of these events was a truly unique experience. Artists and ensembles were given creative freedom to experiment with their music, taking full advantage of the large, raw urban hall and the engaged audience.

The space was transformed into a magical setting, with stunning lighting and acoustics that set the mood for three unforgettable evenings. We were thrilled to see each concert sell out, with attendees raving about the unique and creative experiences they had.

It was especially exciting to see these events take place during the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. We ensured the safety of all attendees, following and even exceeding RIVM guidelines with minimal 2x2m distance. Despite the challenges, we were able to create a safe and unforgettable atmosphere for these truly special events.


Artists: Guido Heeneman & Klassifest
Licht & geluid: Harmen van’t Loo (Seeing and Hearing)
Initiator, concept & production: Peter Bout (Brand Manager B. Amsterdam)

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