Creatively exploring, while
making dreams and stories…

About Our Studio

We are a creative production studio with a passion for crafting beautiful experiences, events, and brands. Our focus is on connecting people, groups, and teams through creativity, art, and fun.

We specialize in creating bespoke concepts for workshops and events that ignite inspiration, spirit, and playfulness. We also provide strategic branding services to translate and design the essence of your brand into a character that resonates with your audience.

Our work is a fusion of art, design, events, marketing, branding, and strategy, where we create experiences that are always CO2-positive, connecting, and inspiring.

Our Values

And how we like to work.

We Are Curious
We have an insatiable appetite for new ideas, perspectives, and possibilities, which feeds our love for learning, growth, and evolution.

We Collaborate
We thrive on collaboration and co-creation with diverse talents, skills, and visions, as it sparks our creativity, ideas, productivity, and leads to better solutions.

We Explore
With an open mind and a sense of wonder, we explore new frontiers and possibilities with fresh, bold, and innovative ideas. We make things happen!


Peter Bout

Peter Bout

The love for creating, building, connecting and collaborating with people, made me start Studio About in 2020 as my creative playground and space to spread some joy.

About me – creative, producer, sales, marketing, events, teamwork, entrepreneur, sustainable, master Organisation Economics (UvA) & +10 year experience (LinkedIn).

Things I like – creating, painting, building, events, Amsterdam, freedom, nature, yoga, dancing, dogs & walking.

Life vibes – “Creatively exploring, while making dreams and stories.”